
I. Shapovalov vs L. Kiper: Another court session took place

Time of publication: 11.03.2004 (22:52)
Another court session on the matter of breaking by Neformat financial conditions of the authorship contract with Lena Kiper took place on March, 9. We’ll remind that the author claims her rights to terminate the contract on the basis of non-fulfilment by Neformat of the contract conditions: to present the reports and payment of the author's reward during the year. Besides, Alexey Shulga (L. Kieper’s attorney), officially placed another reimbursement claim – for breaking the rules of moral rights of the author, honour and business reputation connected to the fact of accusation of group t.A.T.u., its management and authors in the drugs’ propaganda, paedophilia and inappropriate behaviour, by chairman of the Moscow city council's commission of health-care and protection of public health, Lyudmila Stebenkova. By all that, L. Kiper’s attorney declared the authors being not privy to creation of such an image and underlined her resistance to such accusations. Similar claims were placed by Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina’s attorney Yakovlev & Co. The corresponding documents, witnessing the fact of breaking the rules by Neformat towards not only the authors but the singers of t.A.T.u. by putting them into the circumstances, that discredit the singer’s integrity and honour, were submitted both to the Moscow city council and the court of law.

The matter got an unexpected turn then – the representatives of Neformat didn’t appear for the court session. Besides, it’s unclear at the moment, if such a company still exists. At the moment, the chairman of the Moscow city council's commission of health-care and protection of public health, Lyudmila Stebenkova, addressed the office of public prosecutors and the committee of drug usage control with the accusations towards Neformat and its head director I. Shapovalov in breaking the law. Y. Volkova and L. Katina, with the help of their lawers, are changing the management and terminate the contract with the former producer. The new management offers L. Kiper to work with the group’s second album. The next court session is scheduled on March, 17.

Source: Artconsult
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