
BBC1 Radio - Tatu antics 'nothing strange' (

Time of publication: 22.04.2003
Tatu have said that despite their raunchy videos and stage shows, they're not trying to be controversial.

The girls reckon they're not setting out to shock and they're not trying to encourage others to copy them.

They told Radio 1 what they do is normal and people should just accept it:

"We're not just talking people that you should go this way because it's better, no! We're just showing that it is in this life, and it's nothing strange. It's not a miracle. It's just life."

We asked them what the current state of their relationship is. They said 'sexual', but may have been joking.

Lena also told us they do get some weird fanmail:

"We don't know how even now they get our addresses but they write to us. Bad letters, good letters, angry letters."

"Stuff like 'what are you doing? After your video my girlfriend is trying to be a lesbian. I will kill you and I hate you,' and so on."

But she says it doesn't worry them too much:

"We think everyone has their own head and they should just think for themselves what to do and what not to do."

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