
Lena from Tatu bought an apartment on Old Arbat (Komsomolskaya pravda - Russia)

Time of publication: 23.03.2004
For a few months Tatu-girl Lena Katina's real estate agent had secret arrangements about buying real estate. During these few days a deal was made - the singer bought an apartment in the Old Arbat region. The details of the buy are not announced. The only known thing is that the apartment is of "normal size". The number of rooms the apartment contains is unknown just yet, currently an overall replanning and reconstruction is underway. It is most likely that the design of the apartment will contain exclusive elements of modern style.

So far Lena is still living with her parents, and the date of her move are not yet known. Although, according to her close friends, Katina is not in a hurry to move out. It is possible that it is due to the fact that the conflict between the girls of group Tatu and their producer Ivan Shapovalov could end in tears. That includes the finances as well.

Komsomolskaya Pravda

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