
Tatu girls are letting go of their musicians (Zhyzn - Russia)

Time of publication: 25.03.2004
While the scandal about the fight between Shapovalov and Tatu is still hot, the group is letting go of it's musicians. And now they [musicians] have a chance to finish the work on their fourth album. While the girls are resting, team of I.F.K. (they are the ones playing for group Tatu) settled into the studio of recording company "Gigant Rec", where it recorded the album in a matter of a few weeks. It should be released in the recent future. The musicians themselves are skeptical that they will ever tour with Tatu again. but they are not giving up. "If the problem won't be solved, we will release another album", - they joked.

Source: Zhyzn
Translated by katbeidar for
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