
Tatu-girl got beaten up in America

Time of publication: 10.08.2005
During the shot of video to the song All About Us, Yulia got beaten up. Her collegue Lena Katina escaped this troublesome fate. "The beating" took place by the firm demand from the director of the video - James Cox. He wanted the vieo to contain lots of scenes of violence with Tatu in the centre of it.

Lena Katina absolutely refused to appear in such role. As for Yulia, she agreed on it. According to the script, Yulia is covered with tens of slaps in her face.

As it seems, the upcoming album Lyudi-Invalidy, will be very cruel. The title of the album in itself sounds horryfying and the videos, as it looks lile, won't be that happy either. For instance, a car-tip outside LA was used as scenery for video All About Us.

Translation: Team
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