
News Block -- April 25th 2003 -- Interview with t.A.T.u.

Time of publication: 27.04.2003
Y: We want to take action "Liberate Yourself".
L: On the bridge.
Y: The action quote allows liberation. (Laughs). [I am not sure what this means -note coolasfcuk] I think it will take place on the bridge, because we were choosing from different locations, but came to the conclusion that a bridge would be the coolest.

[The host is talking about the fact that this action has once again provoked accusations in pornography and pedophilia.]
Y: This is not important to us. We are not trying to prove anything to anybody, not trying to arrange any sort of pornography; we are just making a statement. We are telling everybody not to be ashamed of their feelings, and why do women have to be ashamed of their bodies. Correct? I think there is nothing like that in what we are doing.
L: Basically, here [in Russia -note coolasfcuk] laws are interpreted very strangely.
Y: On TV--most of the time you turn it on, during day or night, there is pornography. And little kids watch this.
L: There is really pornography on TV.
Y: Little kids turn on the TV and watch pornography, even during the day, and nobody says anything about it. And so, everybody has their own brain, if you don't want to, don't undress. And so, everything complies with codes, and the law enforcement officers are there, let them watch it on TV.

[To the question that the action could draw the attention of lunatics]
L: And so they will be standing in the bushes.
Y: Listen, and they will be je*king off, right, and what do we care. Let them je*k off, who is going to interfere.

Y: Mainly, we want to say that it is cool to undress everywhere: in the bathtub, in the house, during t.A.T.u.'s action, this is normal in life.
L: Just undress!
Y: Just undress and don’t be ashamed of your feelings! Love one another, be happy!

[Why t.A.T.u. and Eurovision?]
L: Just like that.
Y: For us.
L: Will be interesting to watch all the teams that will participate.
(The word 'teams' got wild excitement from Yulia -note by EXTASY)

[To the request of the organizers not to do 'anything like that' at the competition.]
Y: If we were kissing in America, after they asked us not to do it, then the same way we don't give a sh*t for Riga, at this show, we will do whatever we want to do. (While answering this she is playing with Lena's hand -note by EXTASY)

[Will the girls be upset if they don't win.]
Y: So, we won't win, that's it.
L: So what.
Y: What are we going there for, to win? We are doing it for ourselves, stay on the stage a little bit, hold the microphone, we are already getting bored, we haven't sang for long time. (Laughing. And Lena's hand is between Yulia's legs... like that.)

Thanks to EXTASY.
Translation by coolasfcuk.
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