
Post Eurovision Performance Interview Transcript (Russia)

Time of publication: 31.05.2003
Andrey Malakhov (host): Good evening! So, 26 countries appeared in Riga - and now we are preparing to hear the verdict of international jury. I was told that Valdis Pelsh is ready to connect to us from Riga, and there are the main heroines of this of today's evening near by him, and near by me here are Lena's dad and her best friend Nastya, what can you tell them now?

Nastya: well, girls, you're simply "super" good lads, we are with you, we love you very much!

Dad: good work. Daughter, you're so tired, come back to home sooner, I feel so sorry (he means "feel so sorry while looking at you" or "you're looking so bad and tired, it makes me sad")

Valdis Pelsh (from Riga): (Valdis is famous showman too, like Malakhov) ...I was lucky to do the impossible! They are terribly tired, but they agreed to give the interview for First channel's spectators, they gave all they could give on the stage. They are here now - Tatu group, the heroines of today's evening! Good evening, speak...

Yulia: hello, helloooo!

Valdis Pelsh: HELLO!!!

Yulia: (she speaks with a lot of "extra" words, we call it "words- parasites": как бы, вот, как сказать, ну etc., - you can translate it with "kinda" or some other words which can be annoying sometimes, they do not make sense, but people use them to go from one word in sentence to another. But Yulia speaks so quickly and emotionally that these words are not very annoying, just funny ) well you could see yourselves that, mmm, like a... let's tell so... oh well how to tell? - well in common the sound is not very good, probably, obviously, they simply did it specially, simply to kinda we could not hear ourselves...

Lena (at the same time): ...we were told they didn't show close-up, they were afraid that we will kiss each other...

Yulia: yes, they gave the "common plan" only, and, in common, probably, I think, it was made especially to not to let us to take the first place, but we will take it anyway! (noise in the hall) Naturally, Russia can't do it in other way...

Valdis Pelsh: if you take the first place, then it's all understandable: you are superstars, you were superstars before Eurovision, if you do not take the first place, - suddenly, let's assume...

Yulya (without waiting for question): we are the first anyway! because... we in any case, yes, if we do not take the first place, then Eurovision contest simply loses, we never will participate in it.

Valdis Pelsh: tell me...

Yulia (continuing): Because like a... everything what is going on at this contest... well... (gestures)

Lena: oh yes, yes, humble, humble (she uses "скромная" with female ending, so it's clearly that she tells it to Yulia, she means "oh we know you are so humble" )

Valdis Pelsh: tell me, with what kind of feeling did you go to the stage with? What did you feel? The audience was aggressive enough in the beginning, and we heard, there was a lot of whistles...

Lena (without waiting for the end of question): ...oh well, there was some aggression, there was aggression, but then in the end everybody simply GOT UP (shows)... with the song...

Yulia: no, we came to the stage very calm indeed... to appear, kinda we did not think about anything and everything was very peaceful... (she gestures actively while talking, beats Lena on the head and turns to the back)

Lena: ...I am looking at your hairs from the back right now...

Yulia: common we kinda supported each other...


Valdis Pelsh: tell me please... Lena... just a second... Lena, now in the hall... Le-nа!

Lena: yes?

Valdis Pelsh: your father is in the hall, firstly...

Lena: hello, dad

Valdis Pelsh: in the hall there is a huge amount of admirers of your art, in the hall... indeed - in the country named Russia the most of people got closer to TV-screens, they are waiting for your congratulations, for your regards... I'll give you my own microphone, don't worry...

Yulia: Yes, yes, can you hear, can you hear? hallo...

Andrey Malakhov: WE CAN HEAR!

Yulia: well, Russia, the very-very big regards to everybody, thank you all, for your support..

Lena: we love you very much...

Yulia: mommy, daddy, regards to all, thanks to all for being with us...

Lena: yes, to mommies, to daddies, to all friends who are standing there... to grandmothers, to grandfathers - TO ALL!

Yulia: vote, or you will lose! ("голосуй, а то проиграешь" was the famous slogan of Yeltsin's campaign in 1996, when there was a serious danger that Yeltsin will lose and Zyuganov, communists' leader will win... the question was - how to get votes from all the people, because communists really did not have majority, but their supporters are traditionally very active, Yeltsin supporters - liberals, democrats,- could simply forget to vote... so slogan was not "Vote for Yeltsin", they simply asked us to go to vote.)

Lena: Yes!

Valdis Pelsh: (on the back picture, explains to Tatu): they can not vote... (he means that every country could not vote for its participants, but I believe Yulia knew it very well, she said that slogan just for fun).

Andrey Malakhov: well, thank you, thank you, Valdis, thank you, Riga, thank you. So, you've heard that Russia... that national jury works in Russia...

Transcription/Translation by Bitty2002 and Yuri.
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