
A Look Back (Molotok #23 - Russia)

Time of publication: 03.07.2003

[Paragraph of white text at top.]

Currently they are still close to being children. Two girls in school uniform, who've become famous all over the world. "Molotok" presents exclusive phots from the family albums of the Tatushki. Thankyou to their parents for the following material.

[Paragraph of text in bottom left hand corner.]

Volkova Yulia Olegovna was born on the 20th February 1985 in Moscow. When it comes to food, according to herself, she likes everything. Can play the piano, and loves bowling and tennis. About herself she says "I'm a sporty girl". Finished school no.1113 with a knack for theatre, learnt ballroom dancing, figure skating and swimming. Known to be adventurous, purposeful, and likes to shock poeple. In this life wants to try "if not everything, then an awful lot".

[Far left photo of Yulia in a hood as a baby in her mother's arms.]

The end of summer in 1985. Yulcha (that is what they tenderly call the future star at home), who will soon be 6 months old, sits in the arms of Larisa Voktorovna, her mother. It is still too early to even dream about Eurovision.

[Photo on beach with father.]

Yulcha, at the beach with her parents for the first time - here she's 3 years and 4 months old. "Dad, Mum, what a huge puddle!" exclaimed the child, upon arriving at the beach.

[Photo of a little Yulia, centre bottom of page.]

Yulichka is 11 months and 2 weeks old. She finally learnt how to stand without having her Mum supporting her. Oh dear, have a closer look: there's a small puddle beneath her - there were no pamperers back then.

[Photo with a friend, top right-hand corner.]

June 1999. Joyful pig-tails, a spotted dress - Yulia filmed a couple of series of Yeralash with this appearance. "She's a very talented and natural actress" - says the director of the children's series, Boris Grachevskiy. But she always dreamed about being a singer. And so she became one!

[Photo on Yulia's Birthday, centre right.]

A Brithday surrounded by family - Yulia turned 13. She's already starring in Yeralash and singing in Neposedy. How can you not be proud of such a daughter?

[Photo at table, bottom right-hand corner.]

Yulia and Lena met recently. Neposedy liked to spend their time having fun. It's true that Yulia was then removed from the group "for immoral behaviour". And so her journey towards Tatu began.

Here's the second page to that article.

[Photo of Yulia with her dog, top left-hand corner.]

Within the last year, Tatushki have spent at most 50 days at home. "I miss my Mum, Dad and dog very much" - admits Yulia. The girls could have easily already bought their very own houses but don't want to - what for, if they're so loved and waited for at home?

[Paragrpah in bottom right-hand corner.]

Katina Elena Sergeevna was born in Moscow on the 4th October 1984. Since her childhood only ever wanted to be a singer, of which her composer of a Father was very happy. He could familiarise his daughter with the piano. Apart from music, Lenochka also did gymnastics, dance, figure skating, swimming, and equestrian. Likes to play billiards, and lately likes to collect matches from various countries. Romantic, well-read (prefers Dostoevsky), and is very sociable. Favours sincerity and responsiveness in people. Writes poems.

[Photo of Lena with a cap on, centre left.]

Lena's favourite time of the year - summer. Mum Inessa Vsevolodovna happily took the girls out on the water during the holidays. There Lena learnt to swim very well, and still adores the sport.

[Photo of Lena as a baby, top right-hand corner.]

January 1986. Lenochka is 1 year and 3 months old. It's not visible in the black and whte photo, but her curls were already a firey-red.

[Photo of Lena, bottom left-hand corner.]

A member of the children's group Neposedy. "Don't take photos! We're getting changed!" - says Lena angrily. In a few years she won't be so modest.

Translation by yul.
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