
A New Turn (Molotok #23 - Russia)

Time of publication: 03.07.2003
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It's called "A New Turn".

Tatu are planning on bringing up children!!!

[Paragraph of white text at top of page.]

They've grown up and...No, haven't flown away. On the contrary, Tatushki have become wiser. Now they think about the future more often, about bringing up children. Who would've thought!

[Quote in bottom left-hand corner.]

Lena: You can't call the relationship between Yulia and myself friendship. It's more - we live like a family.

[Start of article.]

Do you have any unfinished business?
Yulia: I think that's a no.
Lena: Of course I do. For example, I'm learning how to drive. Learning, and learning... And will never learn - because there's no time. I think to myself "Tomorrow I'll meet up with the instructor and will have a drive". And then our director calls: "Girls, but tomorrow you've got this, and this, and this". And so everything is always postponed.

What do you see fits in to thw word 'love', having said it?
Yulia: For me it's something that can't be described by words.
Lena: Somebody once very rightly said: "Love - is everything. And that's all we know about it." To give a full description so that everything is included hasn't been accomplished by anyone.

You are now singers-stars. But what will be in 10 years?
Yulia: When the Tatu project dies, I won't be a singer anymore. I like it in Tatu, but I don't see myself as a singer in the future. I'll occupy myself doing something else. For example, I'll be a director and producer: two in one. Most say that you have to study to be a producer, otherwise it's not serious. I think that you can't learn to be a producer, you just have to build up to it. The same thing with a director - if it's the way you are, if you can see the 'picture', you can take it and film it. And people will understand you.
Lena: And I don't know. I follow my heart, and what my heart tells me, is what I'll do. Life is a journey.

Has it ever happened that a fan has stoppped being a fan and has become a friend?
Lena: Once Yulia and I got stuck in that situation, letting such people get too close. Later we regretted it. I think that in my life is someone appears to be a fan, that relationship (of being a fan) is the way it'll always remain. The relationship will never be on the same level, the way it is with friends. I can treat a fan like an absolutely normal person - but the fan alas, can't do the same for me.

Will you prohibit your children from doing anything?
Yulia: No, I will never prohibit anything. And will also never allow anything. I think, that every person goes through everything in life, and if you ban your children from something...We ourselves were like this, and our parents were like this - in our life we've tried everything. When my child is hanging out with friends, I won't be able to monitor - what he drinks, smokes. If he needs this, then he needs it, it's his life. It's pointless prohibiting things. If I prohibit him from smoking at home, then he'll just have a smoke with a friend, on the way to school. Let him experience life naturally and he'll choose himself - what he needs, and what he doesn't. Let him try everything, and decide what to leave alone. Why should I tell him what he needs to do?
Lena: I'll try to bring up a child in such a way so that he understood immediately what's good, and what's best not to do.
Yulia: Len, he won't understand that way...
Lena: I fhe wants to try something, that won't be good for him, then at least he'll know that it's not good for him. If he still wants it, then he can try it. But I'll try to do everything to prevent such wnats arsing for him. It's not prohibiting - it's informing him. Just so such wants don't arise.

Will there be a next album for Tatu, and when?
Lena: There will be one, of course. It'll be a little different, but still awesome, with good songs. The style of music will be different. And then we'll see where we end up. We'll end up somewhere.

Do you ever have the feeling where you're not interested in someone who looks up to you?
Lena: No, I don't.
Yulia: I'm interested in everyone. I don't sleep for nights, I don't sleep for days. I wake up in the morning, and we have all these random meetings and phone calls. I have a lot emotions inside, and the most frightening thing in life for me is being alone. Whenever I'm at home by myself, within closed walls - that's it. Being left alone scares me more than anything, and the most important thing to me is seeing my friends.
Lena: I've come up with an aphorism with regards to loneliness. Loneliness - it's a scary thing, slowly killing a person from the inside. There!

Then it goes on to reccommend the following sites:

(Where's hey? Anyways, enjoy!)

Translation by yul.
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