
Our Tatushi (Molotok #22 - Russia)

Time of publication: 03.07.2003

"Our Tatushi"

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Molotok turned out to be the first with whom Lena and Yulia met up having returned from Riga. Despite coming 3rd, the girls didn't look upset at all. Why? Listen to 'Auto-answer' [this is what they call the interview - yul], and it will all become clear!

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People said that there was supposed to be three of you at Eurovision - you two plus Katya Nechaeva. Is this true?
Lena: It's just a rumour. And Katya Nechaeva is another project by Ivan Shapovalov, and she has nothing to do with Tatu. Where this rumour originated isn't clear - she only ever once recorded backing vocals in the studio with us and that's it.
Yulia: There will never be three - we're a duet.

People were saying after you won Eurovision you'd get married in Holland.
Lena: Well, another made-up idea. We never said anything of the sort, only journalsits tell us about these kind of issues. Everyone offers, and offers, and we choose.
Yulia: Ha-ha-ha! Getting married!

Why were the concerts in England and Germany changed? Due to the actions of local auhtorities?
Yulia: I don't think anyone gets in our way. We just needed to prepare for Eurovision, and then a very important trip to America came up. We decided to sacrifice our concerts for work.
Lena: And in England the organisers just got scared. We arrived there, were ready to perform, and they changed everything.

What city have you like best so far? Have you wanted to stay somewhere?
Lena: More than anything? Moscow! He-he-he..."Mosocw, so much in that sound..." But of course, my favourite city is Moscow! But generally I liked Los Angeles. But I wouldn't have stayed anywhere, I like it at home.
Yulia: Moscow. In Moscow.

What do you think about 3rd place in Eurovision?
Yulia: It's fucked. We're ready to just spit on it. We don't care about awards, and especially Eurovision!
Lena: Exactly!
Yulia: For us it's like a big casting. It's just that Russia, Moscow and politicians asked us to go, and so we went.
Lena: And if our home country asked us, how could we refuse?

Do you have many awards? What's the most significant and the very first?
Lena: We have many awards, and they're all of the same significance. It's a sign that people like us! The very first...I think it's from the show "Stylish Thing"...or maybe not...oh, I don't remember! No, it's definitely "Stylish Thing". It's just such a long time ago.

Do you have enough money and what do you waste it on?
Lena: We have enough. I put a majority of it away towards a car and house. Just to live a little.
Yulia: And me too, and I also help my parents out.

Do you use drugs?
Yulia: Ha-ha-ha!
Lena: Nobody can prohibit anything from anyone, every person decides for themselves how to live. But my attitude towards drugs is bad. Very bad.

Why is the song called "Don't trust, Don't Fear, Don't Ask"? Some imprisoned romance.
Yulia: A romance in prison...Ha-ha-ha!
Lena: Remember the clip for "Not Gonna Get Us" - and you'll understand everything...

Do Tatu have sex with female fans?
Lena: Yes, sex with female fans...Ha-ha-ha! No comment! We want to have sex with female fans! Ha-ha-ha! We should post an announcement on the Internet! Oh, God...

Translation by yul.
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