
Tatu in Los Angeles

Time of publication: 15.03.2006 (17:08)
Three days in LA - and Julia and Lena managed to do bunch of things:

- They've shot a new video for slightly "not tatuish" song

6 a.m. was the beginning of shooting day. Julia and Lena went to the location after an exhausting flight and a sleepless night: Lena slept for three hours, Julia didn't sleep at all. It's called jet-lag. The video was shot in a botanical garden close to LA. There will be a lot of close-ups and in general it should be as slow scene-wise as the ballad.

- They went to Santa Monica, LA's district where they had lived for half a year while recording the album (additionally Julia managed to leave Lena's mob in eyewear shop and pick it up later).

That day in the evening the girls went to their favorite restaurant to eat their favorite chicken crepes and minestroni soup.

Julia: "Los Angeles is like a second home, really... As if like we never left it… As if like we have that, "non-american", life and this life…"
Lena: "And now "that life" is on "stop"…
Julia: "Not on "stop" – on "pause"!

- They've started rehearsing at one of the most famous rehearsal places SIR

Now Tatu has a new drummer Steven (Roman, we're gonna miss you!) and a new bass-guitar player Doman. The band was looking for a live bass guitar for a long time, and now the sound became more intense and "dense". From now on this is the final Tatu concert band - guys, get ready to hear all the rock behind Tatu that is not so obvious in the album. Yesterday the girls approved the concert play-list, and this morning Lena and Julia had new personal in-ear molds done for the live performances.

Source: Official Site
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