
Disabled vs Tatu - the story goes on

Time of publication: 29.11.2006 (02:11)
In the light of the latest charges pressed by disabled Russian people against group Tatu, its management released on official site the following statement:

"We've been waiting for this for more than a year, and it has finally happened... Ludi invalidi reacted to our call and made us be sure they exist. Now people can see a fine-quality living illustration to our metaphor and learn about the reflexes of real Ludi invalidi. Hey, you skeptics, who kept telling us that album's concept was far-fetched and "out of thin air" - don't miss the show called "Ludi invalidi vs Tatu" We are drawing the fire upon ourselves - and doing it for you, people.

This is what we call "the power of art".

Let Ludi invalidi mess with flies and hamburgers. We prefer to separate the husk from the grain."

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