
Another lawsuit -- t.A.T.u. cancellations in Riga

Time of publication: 13.06.2003 (04:22)
The band’s head company Neformat is risking to face its second lawsuit for the last two months. This time the organizer of the only t.A.T.u. gig in Riga -- Pasadena Group Promotion, is intended to sue Neformat for $180,000 as a compensation for losses.
"The gig was initially planned on the 7th of June, but we haven't received any official letters from the Russian party that contained the information on the concert cancellation. Finally, we understood that the gig would be off due to t.A.T.u.'s absence in Riga on that very day," said the representative of Pasadena Group.

Source: (by material of Telegraph, Latvia and Fashion monitor)
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