We Do Not See Anything Wrong ("One" - France)Time of publication: 19.02.2003 |
Portrait: t.A.T.u. is composed of Julia Volkova (17 years old) and of Lena Katina (18 years old). These two young girls born in Moscow met in 1996. At the time, both girls were a part of another group called Neposedi. In 2000, a Russian producer offered them a contract and the t.A.T.u. adventure begins. Their provocative attitude immediatly creates a scandal in Russia. Two years later, they attack the international market and record an English album titled "200km/h In The Wrong Lane".
Now: In France, t.A.T.u.'s album has sold 50 000 copies in the 10 days following its release. In passing, they sold around 270 000 copies of their single.
The Question: --What do you tell people whom are shocked by your attitude, notably by the fact taht you kiss in your video?
--Frankly, we do not see anything wrong with that at all. Why would we not be allowed to live our lives the way we feel like living it? If we feel like showing it, it only concerns us. We are in love with each other and we do not wish to hide it...
Did You Know? Mystery surrounds both Julia and Lena's sexualities. If they openly declare to being lesbians, it seems that all of this would be nothing more than a scenario set up by their producer to attract attention to his group. * In Russia, t.A.T.u. have systematically created riots wherever they went. Actually, they have already been harrassed several times by people against their provocative attitude.
(For all you French speakers, they posted up a French translation of ATTSS. ^_^ -E.)
Toutes les choses qu'elle a dites
Se bousculent dans mon esprit.
Зa ne suffit pas.
Je suis vraiment dans la merde.
Je me sens complиtement perdue.
Si je demnade de l'aide,
C'est parce que le fait d'кtre avec toi m'a ouvert les yeux.
Je n'aurais jamais pu imaginer une surprise aussi parfaite!
Je continue а me demander comment зa a pu arriver.
Je ferme les yeux sans cesse mais je n'arrive pas а te faire disparaоtre.
Je vourdrais m'envoler vers un endroit oщ toi et moi serions seules.
Il n'y aurait personne d'autre pour que nous puissions кtre libres.
Et j'ai l'esprit embrouillй.
Je me sense coincйe, sous pression.
On dit que c'est de ma faute, mais j'ai tellement envie d'elle.
Je veux l'emporter lа oщ le soleil et la pluie
Йclabousseront mon visage
Et laveront toute la honte.
Quand ils s'arrкtent pour me dйvisager,
Laissez-moi tranquille, (This line they translated wrong, in my humble opinion. Lol. -E.)
Parce que je ressens pour elle ce qu'elle ressent pour moi.
Je peux essayer de faire semblant, essayer d'oublier.
Mais зa me rend folle, j'en perds la tкte.
Ma mиre qui me regarde.
Dis-moi se que tu vois.
Oui, j'ai perdu la tкte.
Papa qui me regarde.
Est-ce que je serai libre un jour?
Est-ce que je suis allйe trop loin?
Translation by Echoed.
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