
Lena Katina: I can say both hello and goodbye!

Time of publication: 11.05.2007
Well, I can say both hello and goodbye! We're on the way to the airport. After some time spent at home going back to the States to continue the work on the album. By the way, sometimes, when I start writing to you, I get this "empty head" thing… And the day before I was full of things to write about! Now it's the same – what shall I write? About Pashtet? He's the same. Lives his happy life. About Anatoliy? Everything's also good. Love and roses and so on June, 6 he turns 25! Anniversary! (Hopefully, I'll be back by then!) About me? You know almost everything. So this time let's do it this way – write somewhere on the forum your questions, and me and Julia will answer them in a week. Volchitsa took her lap-top with her!

Wish us luck. We're doing our best.
Kisses on cheeks,
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