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16.08.2006 Tatu Transformed into Model Students…
16.08.2006 Tatu Transformed into Model Students?!
16.08.2006 Tatu: "We'll Burn Brighter Than the Fireworks"
15.08.2006 Volkova has lost her child
07.08.2006 Tatu Girls Teach Their Musicians To Swear
03.08.2006 Dark Sochi, Passionate Sochi
18.05.2006 Tatu-girl Yulia is marrying Vlad Topalov
17.05.2006 Tatu girls unfazed by the Duma refusal to award them state decoration
05.05.2006 A bad deal success
03.05.2006 I want to give Topalov a son!
30.04.2006 Sensation: Yulia sees Vlad Topalov
30.04.2006 Tatu: "We can be replaced but not repeated!"
28.04.2006 Interview with Tatu for the Dosug magazine
28.04.2006 Tatu: We won't kiss. Sex on stage is a way better
18.04.2006 Tatu reschedule their gig in Chile
13.04.2006 The gig of Tatu's flopped
13.04.2006 A day with Tatu in the city of angels
06.04.2006 Tatu co-operate work with estonian song maker and back singer are over
06.04.2006 Tatu - what they like... what they hate
04.04.2006 Herolds of Love
01.04.2006 The pair of triumph
30.03.2006 Tatu - The Russian Beatles
20.02.2006 French FHM interview
15.02.2006 Live it Tatu
13.02.2006 Impudeny and beautiful
10.02.2006 The Lady and the Tramp
10.02.2006 Tatu are by themselves
21.12.2005 Tatu: Cross examination
09.12.2005 Tatu - The Powerpuff Girls
25.11.2005 Tatu are back!
31.10.2005 Yulia Volkova: We Want Red Square
26.10.2005 Tatu: "We are Russian girls"
18.10.2005 Tribu Move Interview
12.10.2005 Tatu Transformed Into Good Girls! Utaban Appearance Recorded
10.10.2005 Tatu Slip Into Japan, Repeating the Words "Gomen Nasai"
10.10.2005 Tatu Visit Japan in "Othello" Guise
10.10.2005 Tatu Arrive in Japan! "No Cancellations" This Time
10.10.2005 Tatu Arrive in Japan, Repeating the Words "Gomen Nasai"
25.09.2005 Tatu hasn't said everything yet, quite the contrary
25.09.2005 Tatu Girls Deny Lesbian Image
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